Google Keen Review, Features and How to Use it

Shagor Ahamed
6 min readJun 28, 2020

Google new product keen as a direct competitor of Pinterest!

Google’s Keen will be the comparator of Pinterest: How to use Keen and benefit from it.

Again Google has come up with its new social media which is more likely Pinterest rather we can say Pinterest competitor. Let’s review it in a brief.

Keen is a new social network which is created by Google Arena 120. Right now it is an experimental stage. Anyone can use it in the Android and desktop versions except iPhone. However, one of the big criticism has begun about Google that now — a — days, Google is more focusing on Andriod than iPhone.

Anyone who is in a keen platform, can curate content from different web places and share it with other people in their interest categories.

Oh! like this topic, I am writing if I share it on the Keen that topic will be call keen like Reddit karma.

One of the most significant things as Adams, Co-founder of Keen, says that for each keen crated, Google will use its machine learning to refer related content and it will index in Google Search index as well.

If you know about SEO then you can understand that anyone starts using keen at present he/she can get a big boost on their content ranking. Right now is a golden time because if keen goes viral and everyone loves it then you can be a big achiever.

I reckon it can play in the long run. As I am trying it out, I found out keen look very neat and clear focusing on sharing and grown interested. Precisely, helping each other where people can find easy their likeable “keen” topic.

How can you use Keen?

I walk you through step by step and I will tell you how can you use keen and get the most benefits out of it by aiding others.

First of all, go to the link Keen, then you will come upon this keen leading page Where you can easily sign in with Google Gmail account.

After sign in you will see like this ( see below). In right, you can see your profile and you can explore things you want. If you want to follow any of the things then click that and on there you will find follow mark. I will talk about creating a keen ( plus icon) very soon.

As you explore a lot of things, now start creating your keen. Click the Plus icon and go to the next page where you can write down your interest topic name like in here “Audio Marketing”. You can turn on or off your email section. Click next.

Choose your interesting topic which you want to see and save in your GEMS ( saving place).

After choosing tags then click more setting where will get some space to write about this section in the description. If you want private it, you can or you wise public then click public and press create.

You have created your first keen. It is your wise you can delate it or had you wanted to edit then press it.

I have created another keen and right now I am editing it. Click on the edit button. So, You can see that you can invite anyone for collaboration but I ain't doing it. Thus, I go to the advanced section where you have the option to maximize the keen search web and suggestion to explore each time.

Image Started with left. Google’s Keen review.

After did all the things just go back or click the keen icon, it will automatically save all you have changed. You will see it like this, your created keen will have first then the explore section.

Google keen review.

You can see all of your stuff in GEAM if you save it by pressing the diamond button or you have shared your content. Or I forgot I haven’t told you how you can share your own content in keen.

Go any of your keens that you have created. I go to Procsating a keen section where I can create and share my own content. So let’s see how.

The image started with left

Click to the add button and you can see three things 1. link & Text 2. Add from Search 3. New section. So I will create a new section, I click it and get two things one title and description. After fill up that I save it.

Again, Press the Add button but this time go to link & Text where have the option to share your content. So, I share my content that I have written two days about What you need to know before starting your Own Podcast. Do not press the right side under option ( 2nd red mark). You can see your created section click that and save it.

The image started with left

After saving it, You can found out your own content. It will boost the content in SEO in Google and Google is indexing it if already not.

In the next image ( right side) have the option of Edit, Invite a collaboration with others, share this keen where you like or you can delete it.

I don’t things Google keen will not be the competitor of Pinterest. On the other hand, we can take the most benefit from it. Google Search Engine is helping it to index on google of its content. It is high time to get into it and publish our content on that platform and get good traffic from there as well.



Shagor Ahamed

eCommerce SEO Expert, Writer, and part-time English Teacher & Love to read books and share Thoughts.